• Oakton Community College, Des Plaines Campus
    1600 E Golf Road, Des Plaines, IL
    100% positive
  • Directions: The college has eight gender neutral restrooms located at its Des Plaines Campus to include four restrooms on the first floor of the campus, rooms 1470, 1914, 1915, 1916, and four restrooms on the second floor, rooms 2914, 2915, 2916, and 2214.  One location: Main brick building, 1st floor, enter door #20 off of Parking Lot D, near Enrollment Center. Turn right past the computer lab and one will be on your left, clearly marked gender neutral.

    Comments: https://www.oakton.edu/about/title_ix/trans_gender_nonconforming.php The community college is open to the public during operating hours with no id required, but please check website for specific hours and covid/mask requirements. www.oakton.edu

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